Color in glass – one solution to daltonism.

Color in glass-one solution to daltonism
example of a color blindness test

If given the choice between all five of our senses, most of us would choose sight. That is normal, since it is the most important of them, the one we rely on the most. The first thing we do in the morning is to open our eyes and to close them is the very last we do at night. We get anxious if we cannot see something we hear or feel. The majority of people wear glasses or contact lenses to reach a perfect level of vision. We cannot afford to miss even a point when seeing. So imagine not seeing the colors, not making the difference between red and green. Imagine not appreciating the views like the others because of a defect. Imagine growing up in a dull world, filled with colors that you know are amazing, without ever being able to catch a glimpse of it. Color in glass-one solution to daltonism. You can correct it.

Color blindness test, also available on Lunettes EnChroma® pour daltoniens | Technologie de pointe en matière de verres – – EnChroma Europe Ltd.

Color blindness?

Daltonism or color blindness is a  pathology that affects 8 % of male population and 0.5 % of the female. It makes it hard for the subjects to perceive or to make the difference between certain colors due to the lack of sensitiveness of the cones. The eyes do not have enough of the chemicals that capture the wavelengths, making it impossible for the brain to interpret it correctly.  Extreme cases of color blindness result in total impossibility to see any color at all. It is genetically transmitted most of the time. In 1798, John Dalton published his study “Extraordinary Facts Relating to Vision of the Colors : With Observations” ; today science has made a huge progress. Color in glasses, one solution to Daltonism? EnChroma developed special glasses able to correct it.

Color in glass-One solution to Daltonism.

Idea of what Colorblind Glasses can do

The colorblind glasses’ technology works on balancing the colors, by accentuating the saturation of the colors the eye initially had trouble perceiving. This way, a colorblind person will be able to see the colors they could not see before, the glasses basically doing the job of the cones.

This is recent science and it that does not grant mind-blowing results for sure. There is, as always, room for improvement. But most of the users definitely see a change; the colors they could not or almost not see before trying on the glasses now look more vibrant to them. Some who could not make a difference between red and green learned to make that difference. Even if the result is not as magical as expected for some of them, the glasses still block the UV rays. They are available online and you can buy them for $130 to $400 (approximately €115 to €350).

Color blindness is a very personal matter. It is possible for it not to be so disturbing for some of the people that have it but others might be curious about the colors that surround them. As you may already know, the concept of colors is a mere invention of our brain. The way one sees colors might not be the same as someone else does. It is perfectly possible to live with daltonism without ever detecting it, nor feeling the slightest bit awkward. But still, these glasses exist. For some of us it can be a revolution, for others just something funny to know. This fact is nothing but amazing and you have to be aware of its reality.

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  1. Color in glass-one solution to daltonism this article is very great and very much helpful for me! Thank you so much for sharing all information. If any one has color blindness problem then visit here and get full information.


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