Episode 6:
Here’s a challenge for you: keep track of how many times you hear someone encouraging a child to embrace Art as a future career. When it comes to Arts, in fact, there’s always a lot of social pressure on people willing to pursue it as a career.
Italians, for instance, have a saying that goes like: “impara l’arte e mettila da parte” (lit. “learn art and put it aside”), and this isn’t very motivating…
Our guest today is Mario D’Avino, doctor, psychotherapist, and theatre director. He’s the living proof that we can embrace more than one passion at a time and make a career out of it. With him, we discussed Art in school, the benefits of artistic self-expression, and how COVID-19 affected artists.
Cover: couch photo by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
Intro/Outro Music by JuliusH from Pixabay
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