Balkan Beats 50- The responsibility of change


“Dear readers,

Welcome to the 50th edition of the Balkan Beats magazine!

As we are a team of young volunteers, for this issue we decided to investigate the topic of intergenerational dialogues. We often compare ourselves and our lives to the ones of the previous generations and at the same time we wonder what will happen in our future. As young people we are asked to make decisions that will influence our lives and we feel the responsibility of these choices.

This magazine will delve into the topic of intergenerational exchange, exploring family traditions, cultural differences and their approach to the future. 

We traveled through historical, artistic and political collective challenges. We witnessed personal stories interlacing with the previous and the future generation. We wondered what are the challenges and the benefits of time passing through different lives and how the social context influences the relationship between generations. 

As we look ahead, it’s essential for us, the generation Z, to recognize the impact of our choices while honoring the wisdom of those before us. Every generation faces   its own problems, our articles are showing how connected we all are, linking the past, present and future.Talking between generations isn’t always easy, but it’s really important. By listening to each other and respecting different perspectives, we can build a better future that respects where we come from.

Thanks for joining us on this journey. We hope it encourages you to have similar conversations with people in your own communities, appreciating the stories that make us all human.

Editors  Ken, Ira, Alina, Friederike”

-------------------------------------------------------------- SHARING IS CARING! --------------------------------------------------------------


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