Written by Georgia Tentzidou, Markella Argyropoulou and Joana Correia
The time has come, Europride 2024 is around the corner! This year’s Europride will be hosted in Thessaloniki (the second biggest city in Greece), from June 21st to June 29th. People from all around the world, we’ll be visiting the city, not only to enjoy the parade, but also for all the fun and educational activities included.
Before telling you how great this week will be, let’s see first how all of this started. Euro Pride was created in 1992 in London, UK, to signal the support of the LGBTI+ community in the city. Since then, every year it happens in a different European city. This year is in Thessaloniki, Greece! The Thessaloniki Pride has been happening since 2012 and this year’s theme is Persevere – Progress – Prosper, reflecting on which the movement is built.
Well, let’s go through a brief review of the main activities and events that will take place during Europride Week! Starting on Friday, 21st June, the opening concert and ceremony will be held (at the Statue of Alexander The Great). During the following week a great variety of cultural events regarding LGBTQIAP+ matters will be an interesting addition to your “colorful” schedule. More particularly you’ll have the chance to witness movie projections, book presentations, theatrical plays and photography exhibitions throughout the whole week!
Moreover, another main part of this year’s Europride is the Human Rights Conference that will be held from the 26th until the 28th of June, at Olympion Hall (Aristotelous sq. 10). The Conference will include different panels with experts discussing social issues concerning the Queer community. Among the debaters you can spot politicians, university professors, research experts, activists and other inspiring individuals.
In case you are looking for something more fun, casual and interactive, the Europride Fair along with the different activities is the perfect option for you! The Fair will take place from the 26th until the 29th of June, at the YMCA park, and will host many local and international organizations. While walking around the Fair you will notice some of the activities including face and body painting, human sized board games and more. You will also stumble across different Pride kiosks where you can provide yourself with pride themed odds and sods!
Moving on to the Big Star of this and every year’s Europride, the big parade will happen on Saturday, 29th of June at 17:00! It starts from the YMCA park and follows a long route till the Statue of Alexander the Great. After the parade you will enjoy the big and last concert of this year’s Europride and of course the closing party at Barbarella Club till the sunrise!
Useful tips: don’t forget to bring with you cold water, fans, sunscreen and your most colorful mood! You will also find USB and Pride volunteers in all of the main venues to help you and give directions.
You can click here for more detailed info about the Europride’s 2024 program.
Together we persevere, progress, prosper!