Balkan Beats Special – Culinary Bridges

Turkish and Greek Recipes

Turkish and Greek recipes

The perfect guide for the common cuisine between Greece and Türkiye.

H 2 O – C U L T U R A L H E R I T A G E A N D M I G R A T I O N

Turkey & Greece connected through taste

Greece and Turkey have a long connected history, that we can still observe through their common gastronomy. The two cuisines exhibit a mixture of Eastern and Western elements. Especially, after the population exchange in 1923 the people who arrived in Greece, upgraded the plain cuisine of the mainland Greece, adding to it a little bit of spice. The food that the refugees brought, mostly kept their original Turkish names. That’s why the Greeks still use the “politiki” cuisine term, meaning the cuisine of Istanbul. Besides providing delicious recipes, this book intends to share some facts about history and culture of these two nations by looking at the tradition of some Turkish and Greek recipes. Enjoy!

Food is a pretty good prism through which to view humanity

Johnathan Gold

We would like to thank the United Societies of Balkans who gave us the opportunity to create this recipe book containing both, Greek and Turkish cuisine, and presenting in this manner a common legacy that these two countries share. Without your support throughout the whole proceudre this final result would not be existing.It was a pleasure to work on this book and share the final results with our team, the USB family, our friends and family and anyone else who gets in touch with this work.We wish you a lot of fun while trying out these recipes and appreciating these amazing cuisines.

Turkish and Greek recipes, The cook book sisters

The cook book sisters

Stavroula, Andriana, Damla, Vasileia and Paolina

(from left to right).

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