Climate week


Do you believe in the future of the planet?

The people of Ecopolis dream of a planet where humans and all sentient beings will live in peace. A planet where there will be no exploitation of humans and animals. 

The social space ECOPOLIS was created with the initiative of the Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki and with the participation of the Voluntary Work of Thessaloniki. They are also working for the implementation of green ideas and values ​​and alternative solutions through organizing events, lectures, discussions, seminars, workshops in Thessaloniki.

Ecopolis Logo

Ecopolis is striving in our daily life and with their activities for a sustainable life, for a better environment and the changes we need in times of the climate crisis. In their solidarity activities they try to combine solidarity with ecology, use as few resources as possible and raise awareness. 

With many groups and initiatives in Thessaloniki and all over Greece, they plan and organize activities, including the biannual Global Climate Strike. Ecopolis is also an important part of the Greenwave festival held every September. They are now holding a climate week from February 28 to March 4, an initiative that many different people and organizations are invited to join. 

Banner climate week

If you would like to be a part of this incredible initiative here is their schedule for the week for the climate; 

Tuesday, 28/02/23 17.30 Café Iliotropio 

The climate is changing. And why should I care?

Climate change is a fact. However, we are not yet ready to change our habits. How does this affect the climate, the planet, our lives, and future generations? We will meet in the Iliotropio café in Navarino to discover our personal “ecological footprint” through various games, quizzes, and discussions. 

Wednesday, 01/03/23 17.30 Ecopolis

Trash or Treasure?

Do we know what waste we produce every day can be recycled in our city? Is recycling the only solution or can we take advantage of our waste in other ways too? Can we make beautiful things out of waste? How can we lead a life without waste ? Anyone who wishes to participate in this lab can come with their (washed) plastic waste, packaging, and any “treasures” they may have found in the trash or they can come without any of that. Since the only thing we have in large quantities all over the planet is plastic and all kinds of waste, let’s find ways to take advantage of it. 

Thursday, 02/03/23 17.30 Ecopolis

Are we eating the planet?

The third day of the “week for the climate” is dedicated to the food consumption: What we eat and how we can cook sustainably. Come and join us to cook (and eat) together vegan food from Turkey, a Pontic dish and an Arabic dessert. Let’s share different ideas on the subject and think together about what we can do to eat well for ourselves and for our planet. We are waiting for you on Thursday 02/03/23 at 5.30 at Oikopolis. You don’t need to bring anything, just your interest for the topic and the appetite for the food we will cook together.

Friday, 03/03/23 17.30 Tsimiski/Dim.Gounari

Here could be a tree

Without trees the planet will heat up even faster and even more. The glaciers will melt, the sea level will rise. Nevertheless, in Thessaloniki, instead of planting more trees, the existing ones are cut down. That is why we will meet on Friday 03/03/23 Tsimiski with Dim. Gounari to say – once again – that we need more green in Thessaloniki. Then there will be a flashmob about sea level rise, to help us show our fellow citizens that it concerns us all.

Saturday, 04/03/23 13.00 Basketball field behind One Salonica

Cleaning up

On Saturday 04/03/23, at 13.00 the last action of the climate’s week will include cleaning a busy area. This area will be the basketball court located behind ONE SALONICA, where children play every day. We will have bags, gloves, and hot tea and we will clean for at least a day a corner of Thessaloniki with the wish that we will one day stop throwing everything everywhere.

Meeting point:

We can all work together for a better future!

-------------------------------------------------------------- SHARING IS CARING! --------------------------------------------------------------


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