Van Gogh Alive – art mixed with technology


This is a new wave, technology, media – call it however you want, but it will definitely conquer the future.

The exhibition “Van Gogh – The Experience” is for those who are scared of the silence of the traditional museum, for those who cannot stand museum ladies that keep an eye on them, for those who are afraid of the heaviness of the art history. If you are not an art lover, this exhibition is a wonderful tool that might get your attention closer to the great artists and their paintings.

The exhibition invites all kind of groups of people to experience Vincent Van Goghs’ art through the digital system SENCORY 4. The digital projections gets you in an illusion of the Van Goghs’ paintings. Forty high-definition projectors, cinema surround sound system, wide diameter screens create the atmosphere for memorable visual experience.

Wide artificial screens exhibit full scale and fragmented paintings, drawings, personal photos, and video. It gives an opportunity to explore small and less visible details on the original works. It is also easier to track the sources and influences of certain paintings.

There is no doubt that the colourful projections and interactive videos drag the viewer into the dynamic and vibrating show. Even if you are an old-fashioned person, I recommend you to experience it at least once in your life.

The exhibition will be open until 20/01/2019 in Helexpo area 12.

Click here for more info!

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