Return to the home we had never known- Exhibition


In the year 1946, the civil war broke out in Greece, during which, more than 300 000 people had to escape into the socialist countries of the so-called “eastern block”.
12 000 sought refuge in the Czechoslovakia. Most of them were placed in the towns and villages in the north-eastern part of the country. There were big comnunitees of refugees in Krnov, Karviná or Brno.
After the fall of the military junta in the year 1975, the refugees were given the permission to freely return to Greece.
The main wave of repatriation however took place only after the year 1981, after the Panhellenic Socialist Movement, led by Andreas Papandreu, seized power.

The exhibition presents the fragments from the lives of the Thessaloniki people, who have spent part of their youth in Czechoslovakia, but later, they decided to return to their parent ́s country – Greece.

Author – Štěpán Vranešic
Photography – Giovanni Stanislao
Graphic design – Klára Dolečková
Translation – Vladimír Mareček, Elias Patsalides, Ilias Kapagiannidis
Co-organizer – Marilia Fotopoulou

Following a selection of photos used in exhibition. All the stories and the pictures will be exhibited on the 4th of June in Η Γειτονιά της Αλεξάνδρου Σβώλου.

photo for exhibition
© Giovanni Stanislao
photo for exhibition
© Giovanni Stanislao
photo for exhibition
© Giovanni Stanislao

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