Geocaching event : The volunteers hunt begins !


Prepare yourself to walk in the city of Thessaloniki on 5th December, because for the International Volunteers Day we organize a new type of geocaching ! 

What is geocaching

Geocaching consists of doing a treasure hunt of boxes. The boxes are called “geocaches”, or “caches” and can be hidden everywhere in the world. This hunt is possible thanks to GPS coordinates that give the localisation of the geocaches.

The geocaches always contain a logbook. It’s a piece of paper where people, who are finding the geocache, will fill with their names or nicknames and the date of the finding. Sometimes, it can also contain treasure called “Travel Bugs” : It is objects that have to travel between the geocaches. The caches are made with waterproof containers which are resistant, and it can be with all sizes, but it needs to be written on the application if it is Nano, Micro, Normal, or Big. 

To search geocaching, you can use the application or the website, which is the official site for it. On it, you can search for the place where you are and find if there are any caches near you. After that, you can choose one and begin the hunt !

When you go for geocaching, think about taking a pen with you to have the possibility to fill the logbook. You also need a smartphone to have the coordinates and go there by following the instructions. When you are near the geocache, you have to open your eyes. It can be anywhere, but always accessible. It can’t be on the top of a big tree, nor can it be buried. But, don’t think that the caches will be easy to find, it can be covered up because it will be in a hole or have camouflage. When you have found it, don’t forget to tell on the website or application that you found it, it helps the owner of the cache.

What is the event

For the 5th December, we propose to you an original way to do geocaching. You will go on a volunteer hunt ! In fact, the caches will represent one volunteer and the localisation of the cache will be related to him. Because on the 5th December, it’s the international volunteers day ! A day where we want to talk about our experiences in the volunteer domain but with a more playful way to explain it to you !

So, are you ready to find us ?







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