Dialogue: Balkan Beats 25

Cover of Balkan Beats

We are happy to announce that our Balkan Beats’ 25th edition is now published. Just before Christmas – a time of family and traditions, our magazine is also dedicated to dialogue!

Usually, the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning dialogue, is verbal communication. Despite that, our volunteers have discovered different approaches to bring dialogue to our readers.

In this edition of Balkan Beats, you can find an article by Agnieszka Trygar about sign language and an interview with a person teaching and using it on daily basis. (page 22-23)

Mélissa Chicanaux and Tanya Anne Marion are delivering the impressions of an experimental workshop “Blind date” where participants were blindfolded and they were cooperating with people that live without eyeshight daily. The workshop gave a powerful impression to many participants. Check it out! (page 18-21)

Have you heard about feminst movements in Brazil? Arianna Salan is giving us an idea as she did an interview with a Brazilian lawyer Samantha Nagle. (page 43-47)

From this edition, you can also find information about upcoming events this weekend. Did you know that already this weekend, 16th of December Battle of the Best Thessaloniki 2018 is coming to town! Laura Samuilytė brings to us the story of the organisers. (page 37-40)
Also, Jennifer Theil and Arianna Salan discovered the story of ΣΕ ΒΙΟΜΕ occupied cooperative factory in the outskirts of Thessaloniki. On this weekend, starting today, they are hosting the Organic Farming and Handicraft Feast (Γιορτή Οικολογικής Γεωργίας και Χειροτεχνίας Θεσσαλονίκης). More info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/434331423765685/ (page 26-30)

And as always, stories written by our volunteers about travelling, festivals, sustainability and more!

Read, enjoy and share with others!

-------------------------------------------------------------- SHARING IS CARING! --------------------------------------------------------------


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