Christmas wishes for a better 2020


Usually, at this time of year we all send holiday greetings to our friends and family. This year, I would like to share with you my list of three wishes, for a better 2020. Even if it is not on your Christmas list, other people and the planet need our help. Personally, I believe that one man is able to make a difference and we have so many ways to show our love.

My first wish for our planet is that we treat one another with acceptance, love and compassion. Making us realize that lifting others up is far more gratifying than tearing them down. Skin colour, religion, sexuality. I wish all of humanity would honour each other’s diversity. Accepting the differences between one another. Creating peace throughout the galaxy, sharing love and wishing everyone to find endless happiness.

My second wish is for our planet – to stop global warming, providing clean energy and opportunities for the people living in developing countries. For everyone, breathing fresh air, drinking clean water, eating healthy food. Making people aware that we are responsible for our planet, human rights and sustainable future.

The last one, I wish that everyone would stop to care so much about who they pretended to be and started living life as who they are. Knowing that everyone is enough. Treating yourself like someone you love. Remember: Life is about living it.

This year I wish everyone to show a little love to our planet and to each other.  Hope that 2020 will see more justice and peace for all. Saying ho-ho-ho from Thessaloniki and Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas Market in Thessaloniki
Christmas Market in Thessaloniki

-------------------------------------------------------------- SHARING IS CARING! --------------------------------------------------------------


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