„One hour of pure adrenaline.“


“One hour of pure adrenaline.”
This is how Anastasiia describes her first time on air for a radio broadcast.

Our Balkan Hotspot team and the Praxis team at their radio station in Serres.

Let’s take a step back:

On Saturday 12th of February, Julien, Michelle, Anastasiia, Stephan and Roberto – all of them are volunteering for Balkan Hotspot – left for Serres.

The reason? Well, every year, on 13th of February, the whole world celebrates the “World Radio Day” to honor one of the oldest and most widely consumed mediums of communication.

Volunteers from Praxis, an organization based in Serres, had organized a 12-hour-Radio Marathon on that day to celebrate the important anniversary.
They also invited volunteers from Balkan Hotspot to join the event.

Both, for the volunteers from Thessaloniki and for the ones from Serres, this represented a chance to meet people from a different project who are living a similar experience in a different city, surrounded by a different environment.
In short, an opportunity for growth both ways!

For many of them, this was the first time on air, the first time in front of a microphone speaking to an audience.
The topics covered were very different and addressed with a unique style:
Anastasiia and Michelle talked about life advisor books and poems, Julien’s topic were video games and Stephan and Roberto…well, their show is not easy to categorise.

For all of them, it was “one hour of pure adrenaline”, quoting Nastya‘ words.

This is what work with our teams from Balkan Hotspot and Praxis looks like!

If you are interested in seeing what madness our volunteers created in Serres, check out this link: https://m.mixcloud.com/PraxisGreece/

-------------------------------------------------------------- SHARING IS CARING! --------------------------------------------------------------


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