United Against Violence Towards Women


In 1999, the 25th of November was designated by the United Nations the «International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women».

Did you know…

  • Female gender accounts for 71% of human trafficking victims?  (UNODC ,2016)
  • 125 million girls and women alive in 2015 had been subjected to female genital mutilation? (UN statistics)
  • 35% of women worldwide have experienced physical and/or sexual violence at some point in their lives? (World Health Organization)

Nowadays, on this date, campaigns are launched all over the world in order to raise awareness of this worldwide problem.  Balkan Hotspot decided to join the cause and created a gallery of impactful images with some quite impressive messages and appeals. Take a look!

Photo gallery by: Lorenzo Sciuca

-------------------------------------------------------------- SHARING IS CARING! --------------------------------------------------------------


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