Sunsets in Greece


I moved to Greece 9 months ago. I can say I was lucky enough to catch some of the most beautiful sunsets I ever saw in my life. For some of them, I had my camera with me and I managed to catch them in a photo or video. But I have to tell you the truth, the most beautiful sunsets in Greece, I managed to catch only with my eyes and I have them in my mind, as a memory.

I also have to admit that for the most beautiful sunset that I saw in Greece, I didn’t have to do any effort. For sure I didn’t have to climb any hill, I didn’t have to walk a lot, I didn’t have to travel to one of the famous Greek islands. It was in Thessaloniki, in the town I spend most of my time. I just had to walk 1 km.

So my advice for you, if you are a sunset lover, sometimes what you are searching for is right beneath your eyes. You just have to have eyes to see it and of course patience, the most beautiful sunset doesn’t happen every day!

Enjoy the photo gallery: Sunsets in Greece!

-------------------------------------------------------------- SHARING IS CARING! --------------------------------------------------------------



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