The Thessaloniki Pride March – Photo gallery

2023 Thessaloniki Pridem arch


In this photo gallery I have tried to capture the energy and powerful messages of the 2023 Thessaloniki Pride march. Posters and slogans are a fundamental part of this, and any such social event. They reflect the diversity, the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights, and the spirit of the community. This is intended as an opportunity to highlight the creativity, passion and demand for equality and acceptance, all expressed through these posters. By focusing on them, for a moment, we can highlight the inspirational messages, demands for justice and calls for inclusion, thus offering a more vindicating and powerful look at the Pride march.

by Rodrigo Perezagua

2023 Thessaloniki Pride, rainbow flag
2023 Thessaloniki Pride, rainbow flag
2023 Thessaloniki Pride, rainbow flag
Thessaloniki Pride, slogan
2023 Thessaloniki Pride, slogan
11th Thessaloniki Pride, slogan
Thessaloniki Pride, slogan
drums in Thessaloniki Pride
11th Thessaloniki Pride
2023 Thessaloniki Pride, slogan
Thessaloniki Pride, slogan
2023 Thessaloniki Pride, slogan
2023 Thessaloniki Pride, slogan
 Pride slogans during the parade
Thessaloniki seaside, someone on the rollers
Slogans and drags, Pride
Rainbows during the Pride, Greece
Pride, I love my moms

The 2023 Thessaloniki Pride March

The Pride March plays a crucial role in promoting social progress. It encourages dialogue, educates the public, and challenges prejudiced attitudes, ultimately paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable society. By celebrating diversity, embracing love, and empowering individuals, the Pride Parade inspires change and fosters a world where all people can live authentically, without fear of judgment or discrimination.

by Maxime Ricaud

If they don't accept you, I am your mom now
Rainbow plant
2023 Thessaloniki Pride
slogansThessaloniki Pride March
Thessaloniki Pride March
2023 Thessaloniki Pride - The March
drums in Thessaloniki Pride
drums in Thessaloniki Pride

Here you can find some of the events that our volunteers joined!

-------------------------------------------------------------- SHARING IS CARING! --------------------------------------------------------------


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