Lego-robot competition in Xanthi


Xanthi is a lovely city in the eastern part of Greece with fifty thousand inhabitants. On 21st of January 2018, this city hosted the first annual competition of lego-robots, inside of the Philippos Amiridis Arena. Luckily enough, USB volunteers found their way into this place in order to take some footage and explore the details of this interesting event.

Inside of the competition, there were twenty-one different teams from Xanthi area that were trying to win their chance to pass to the next level of the national competition in Thessaloniki. Even though each team was supervised by an experienced coach, kids were primarily expected to come up with their own ideas for how to solve the problem and cooperate with each other. Apart from the robo-competition itself, the event was accompanied by various musical bands and artists from the local areas around Xanthi, which also helped to enrich the cultural and social life in the city.

The theme of this year’s competition was ecology and water saving solutions. Thus, the main task for robots was to fix the pipes and deliver water to various areas where it was desperately needed. The experienced jury of twelve judges carefully observed and evaluated each project in three different areas – overall functioning, design and concept ideas. In the end, the first eight teams have been chosen to pass to the next level of lego-robot competition that is going to take place in Thessaloniki on February 2018.

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